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Friday 16th June 2006 11:00:09 AM

info: The Adidas Adicolor Project will be launched by Adidas in the later part of the year, as usual, some in very limited quantities. This project in some ways are very similar to the adidas 35th anniversary, there are a group of different series and will be crossed over with various brands. But the main differences are for this project, there will be more than 35 pairs in total and also for each series, different models will be used, that include: Superstar, Stan Smith, dakotas, forums etc... therefore each series has 1 of each shoe in the pack.

And for this particular model, it belongs to the White Series and hence each code will starts with the letter "W". For this Goofy, it is stan smith, it also comes with magic markers in different colours.

W4 -Goofy Stan Smith Comfort

80年代,高飛已經與adidas結下不解之緣,二人罕有地合作推出W-name產品,因此品牌每逢有重大project,高飛都會挺身而出,繼上年度的Superstar 35周年,今次adicolor project亦不例外,順理成章推出Goofy Track Top及Goofy Stan Smith Comfort,圖案以簡單線條來刻劃高飛的神情動態。

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