Candice Chan :: Spain Dec2019
Visits: 47 times
Last changed: Nov 21, 2021
11 items in this album


Day 2: Sevilla (work at hotel)

Day 3: Sevilla

Day 4: Sevilla, Carmona

Day 5: Sevilla -- Arcos de la Frontera --Algeciras

Day 6:  Algeciras

Day 7: Gibraltar

Day 8: Tanger, Morocco on X'mas Eve

Day 9: Gibraltar to Ronda , Marbella on X'mas

Day 10: Marbella to Caminito Del Rey to Malaga (1hr) - Malaga

Day 11: Malaga

Day 12: Malaga to Dolmen of Menga (UNESCO ) north (43 mins) - Cordoba

Day 13: Cordoba

Day 14: Baeza, Úbeda - Granada

Day 15: Granada on New Year eve

Day 16: Granada to Barcelona on New Year

Day 17-18: Barcelona

Day 19 BCN to HKG (BCN to DOH, DOH - HKG)




Plazade de toros de Sevilla
Amazying parking skill
Album: Sevilla, Carmona

Changed: Dec 28, 2020.
Contains: 42 items.
Viewed: 77 times.
Album: Arcos de la Frontera

Changed: Dec 28, 2020.
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 36 times.
Album: Gibraltar, UK

Changed: Dec 28, 2020.
Contains: 42 items.
Viewed: 53 times.
Album: Tanger Morocco

Changed: Dec 28, 2020.
Contains: 26 items.
Viewed: 48 times.
Puerta Del Viento
Gibralfaro castle
Album: Ronda

Changed: Dec 29, 2020.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 43 times.
Album: Malaga

Changed: Dec 29, 2020.
Contains: 44 items.
Viewed: 46 times.
Album: Cordoba

Changed: Jan 01, 2021.
Contains: 83 items.
Viewed: 50 times.
Album: Baeza, Úbeda - Granada

Changed: Jan 01, 2021.
Contains: 22 items.
Viewed: 48 times.
Album: Granada

Changed: Jan 01, 2021.
Contains: 17 items.
Viewed: 54 times.
Album: park Guill

Changed: Jan 01, 2021.
Contains: 31 items.
Viewed: 51 times.
Album: Spain Wine

Changed: Dec 28, 2020.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 32 times.
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