訥行爸爸 :: 影我心程
We started as friends, but something happened inside me .
    Now i'm reading into everything
But there's no sign you   hear the lighting baby

    You don't ever notice me turning on my charm  or wonder why I'm always where you are.
   I 've made it obvious, done everything but sing it, I 'm not so good with words.
  And since you never notice , the way that we belong.
 I' ll say it in a love song ......

Visits: 18448 times
Last changed: Dec 14, 2021
47 items in this album

ps cover 2 - 複製 - 複製
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Contains: 25 items.
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Album: Local Tour
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Album: Local travel & daily living

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Album: Untitled

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ps5 - 複製(8)
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