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Wednesday 25th June 2008 10:49:51 PM

又到了我打橫行的月份喇! 由夏至開始, 經過小暑, 到大暑為止.

嘩! 好熱鬧, 熱情, 熱烈, 熱氣啊!!!

For you, Cancer, this birthday month is almost unusually lacking in planetary turbulence, especially when you consider what most of the rest of 2008 has been like for your solar chart. The sun is cruising along in the home turf of your natal sun. You've got a nice new moon on July 2nd in your sign, suitable for making wishes on. Mercury is going direct in your solar 12th house at the start of the month, apparently having given up fretting about whatever worried him last month.

And Venus is feeling all friendly in your own sign until July 12, a good sign if you'd like to meet some new people or even a love interest. Mars in Virgo from the beginning of July can also be a good influence for getting out there and meeting folks, sending out a signal for you to gather up your Cancerian courage and go for it. Mars entering Virgo on July 1 also means he's leaving your solar 2nd house of money and possessions. That can also be good news, as some folks consider Mars a bit too stressful when he's pawing furiously through their finances, looking for money that might not be there or shoveling what money you do have out the door as fast as you can bring it in.

It's almost like too much good news, and the one note of itsy bitsy challenge is not all that challenging. Jupiter in Capricorn opposes the transiting sun on the 8th of July, although I don't expect you'll hear big news on that day. It's more like a background theme in your solar chart. Jupiter in Capricorn emphasizes the rational approach, whereas your sun sign likes to emphasize the feeling approach. For the next 12 months (and even way beyond that, as Pluto transits Capricorn for over a decade), you are going to be challenged to emphasize both the rational and the feeling approach to life.

This month the tension is mild, but at some point Pluto will need to oppose your sun, and in so doing he'll attempt to make it ever so clear to you that no man or woman can live on feelings and intuition alone. If you're a super-smart Cancer (and you probably are, or why would you be at this site?), you'll take advantage of Jupiter in Capricorn and Uranus in Pisces in 2008 to aggressively expand your intellect, while the expanding is both beneficial and painless. That way, when Pluto comes a knocking, you'll have the tools to deal with him.


Thursday 26th June 2008 10:29:09 PM
From: 甲

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