Danny & KaKi :: 04Jul Day 12 Argentina - El Calafate
Visits: 1333 times
Last changed: Oct 30, 2012
75 items in this album
Kaki enjoyed this skating experience very very much~!!!
On the other hand, it's freezing for DD & he needed to stay in the car :P
The mussel cans from this shop!
Kaki enjoyed this skating experience very very much~!!!
Viewed: 34 times.
On the other hand, it's freezing for DD & he needed to stay in the car :P
Viewed: 32 times.
Viewed: 31 times.
The mussel cans from this shop!
Viewed: 42 times.
We are in Europe?
Had our dinner in this restaurant because of its owl-like logo!
We are in Europe?
Viewed: 45 times.
Had our dinner in this restaurant because of its owl-like logo!
Viewed: 43 times.
Viewed: 36 times.
Viewed: 33 times.
A cute story with this dog, it followed us from the supermarket till we arrived the hotel~the most interesting thing was that it pretended not following us!! Kaki went back room and wanna give it some bread but it left finally!
Thick layer of ice out of our house!Goodnight ZZZ
Calafate 3
A cute story with this dog, it followed us from the supermarket till we arrived the hotel~the most interesting thing was that it pretended not following us!! Kaki went back room and wanna give it some bread but it left finally!
Viewed: 37 times.
Thick layer of ice out of our house!Goodnight ZZZ
Viewed: 47 times.
Calafate 3
Viewed: 73 times.
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