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Saturday 26th November 2011 01:23:50 AM

Aw, that is cute. I'm talking about your breasts. They always get perky when you're being painfully earnest. Truth. It's uncomfortable, isn't it?

More truth--I only noticed because Chase was staring at them. He'd never admit it, because he doesn't want to offend you. Same reason he's never tell you that he's thought about having sex with you. Although to be fair, every man you've ever met has thought about having sex with you. They'll lie, because if you knew... you probably wouldn't want to have sex with them. And that's just some of the lies from the last minute.

And here's a bigger one--you already now this, but you pretend you don't because it makes you feel civilized. Most people find it easier to ignore the truth. -- house

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