Matthew :: ::: Edward Elgar :::
Visits: 173 times
Last changed: Feb 11, 2012
3 items in this album
以前聽Elgar嘅Symphony(特別係第二交響曲), 覺得又長又煩又悶又........., 懶係雄壯, 所以多年來只得一千零一個版本, 就係Solti double decca series.......但早排某日再開隻第二黎聽, 突然好似觸左電, .....之後每日都要聽最少一次至安樂.......跟手去CD舖掃哂可見嘅版本, 包括Elgar自己指揮20s年代Mono版, Sinopoli(DG), Barbirolli(EMI), Tate (EMI)等,......可惜Elgar嘅Symphony唔算係熱門作品, 可以揀嘅版本唔多.....暫時最有Feel係Barbirolli演繹....10 個like......
Elgar conducts Elgar
Elgar Symphonies
Cello Concerto & Pomp and Circumstance
Elgar conducts Elgar
Elgar Symphonies
Cello Concerto & Pomp and Circumstance
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