sa :: Shanghai2011
Visits: 461 times
Last changed: Oct 30, 2011
29 items in this album
上海 西塘 Shanghai Xītáng
Is about 40KM from downtown.
Don't being cheated by my photos, 
它已經由一個真正的水鄉, 變成了一個商業化的主題公園.
It's merely a commercial theme park rather than a nature beauty water village as a wheel of time turns. 
想找出一個真正的舊上海, 現在已經很困難了.
It's hard to find an old Shanghai scenery nowadays.
Do I feel disappointed? 
A bit....
Do I sound innocent to look for an ancientry in a modernize city?
我知道... 我知是無望中找希望.
Well, I know...  I was against the odds....
既然偷得浮生, 又何必計較, 好好享受才是重要.
The most important thing is to enjoy life, forget about what we do not have. 
第二天, 我們去了計劃好的 "車墩影視城".
We went to "Chedun Movie Production City" next day as planned.
它距離市中心約 35km.
Is about 35km from downtown.
我又自拍了, 為什麼不讓我同伴幫我拿相機?  因為我是一個攝影發燒友 !
I self-take again, why didn't  I ask my partner to help?  Coz I am addicted to be a photographer.

一個真實的虛擬地帶, 感覺很特別.

A virtual reality district, gave me a unique feeling.

真真假假,  假假真真, .... , 喜歡就行了.
Is true or fake, it doen't really matter, as long as you like it, that's totally fine. 
十分奇怪, 星期六沒有多大遊人,
It was surprise that there were not crowded even on Saturday,  
  我相信可能是, 人民幣五十元的入場費但沒有多大花招吸引遊客,
I guess, because they are charging RMB50 as an entrance fee without much Gammick,  
我和 Anson當然極之喜歡.
Anson and I like it though.
一個沒有人煙的虛擬城市; 一個聆靜的上海舊區.
A calm virtual city without people; a quiet old Shanghai area without interrupting. 
晚上, 回到了繁榮混合了古典的鬧市.
We back to a crowd and historic cross-over downtown at night.
上海 美術館, 有的圖片很美, 有的完全沒有可觀性.
Shanghai Art Museum, some pieces are quite meaningful, some are far behind from the best.
中國人呀, 真丟臉 !  (我都是一個中國人...)
The sign warning: No climbing, account for the consequences.  Ashamed !  (I am a Chinese also.)
I have spent HK$2500 for Air ticket, staying at friend's apartment. RMB896 for others expenses including RMB30 being cheated by the fucking rickshaw driver.
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