« June 2024 »
Friday 28th July 2006 11:44:36 AM

i think we have heard many ppl proposed before, females shld enjoy more leaves mthly...no kidding i really think that the first few days of period, dragging the bloody body to go to work is a torture...not mention wearing those pampers like napkin...try all those new release... all selling themselves as carefree, blah blah blah and Karina Lam tells u how soft the feeling of wearing the new whisper, trust me, she is a liar with a pretty smile

so far i found the new laurier (with a white long package) is the best, at least not feel «ú¦×, and the absorbing rate is satisfactory, the new one fm ½º¦wX called Stay free, shld be invented by a guy who never know how bad it feels to wear some plastic bag like napkin...

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