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Monday 25th September 2006 10:06:02 AM

every weekend passed rocketly

we always have no idea why it passes such quickly

the Prison break is really good and how we learn English fm watching it with a dictionary is amazing haha

and we went to attack Carlton again, soon all those ctze heads can recognize us...really dont know even the tea pots have the lion heads...we have made such a right choice...

this ultimate wedding fair is like a concert, after that eye so sore and hurt

Tuesday 26th September 2006 04:52:13 PM
From: Jenjen

Monday 25th September 2006 11:29:54 AM
From: CTze
really dont know why every weekend passed like this...seem nothing much we have done and time just...boom.... think from the other side, it should be good cos every moment with bei bei is happy and thats why time passed so quick...really like hanging around with bei bei..chi jui

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