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Wednesday 04th October 2006 09:26:14 AM

suppose this is a blog reporting down all the milestones..hee so 10.23 we are going to have our phototaking, many ones say its kind of early, but i think we can do so when we feel ok (both our look and weather) feel weird last nite Candy of Chinghua tell me that the camera man is not going to see us before that because of a tight schedule, i feel so weird...may be just dont want anything not carry out like we expect (is his schedule really that tight? so i wont call him a photographer but just a camera man) but should not worry much i think even touch wood, he cant take gd photos, our daily casual ones are good enough wakakakaka, so proud suddenly wakaka, today is another wednesday ...japanese class tonite, hope nth adnormal happen..and i can stay till it ends..suppose the first sunday of december is the proefficieny test while i have no confidence on it at all...in fact if just i can watch Kerokero understanding what they are doing without chasing the subtitles...hee hee good enough for me
Thursday 05th October 2006 05:35:18 PM
From: Jenjen
wow, looking forward for yours' wedding pics, very very happy for that~~~ i want to take mine too. =P

Wednesday 04th October 2006 10:04:21 AM
From: CTze
I knew my bei bei will feel weird after talking on phone with the chinghua people, but as you said, our daily photo is already good enough..haha..I feel proud too ar Yes, wed again and everything will be just fine and do not worry about anything. I believe we have to watch more kerokero these days because your test is coming soon as you know...from the experienced we had from prison break...once you start thinking in japanese, i am sure you can pass the test. So lets see more and more Kero..haha

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